Sunday, May 3, 2009

How do i hide myspace music player, but the song still plays?

i want to just hide the little play/pause thing, with the song name on it etc on my profile, i just need a code, that will hide it, but keep the song playing.

i dont want people stealing my profile song.


How do i hide myspace music player, but the song still plays?

.a {hide myspace miniplayer}

embed, object {filter:alpha(opacity=0.1); opacity:0.01; -khtml-opacity:0.01;}

.a {unhide other embeds including video slider}

td td td td embed, td td td object,

td.text embed, td.text object {filter:none; opacity:none; -khtml-opacity:none;}

.interestsAndDetails {margin-top:-90px;}

Reply:that very good tnx.... Report Abuse

Reply:type it into google, they have everything there...

lol, i get so annoyed when people steal my song aswell
Reply:%26lt;style%26gt;td td embed, td td object{position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:1px; height:1px;}

td.text embed {width:260px; height:38px;}

td.text embed, td.text object {width:260px; height:38px;}%26lt;/style%26gt;
Reply:That is simple.

1.) Copy and paste this code anywhere in the "about me" section of your profile:

2.) Click "edit profile" and go to "Song Video"

3.) On there there should be a link saying "Change auto-play settings in Account Settings %26gt; Miscellaneous Settings" Click there.

4.)Make sure "Auto-start my profile music player" is chekmarked.

5.) Your music player should not appear on your profile any longer but will still play depending on your account settings.

*Note* The code may not work pending on the coding already on your profile.

If that code does not work try this one:

style embed, object {width:0px; height:0px;} table table table embed, table table table object {width:320px; height:240px;} style

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